AIMEE CHALLENOR responses to questions for all candidates in the current Green Party Leader and Deputy Leader elections submitted by Green Left members to help inform Green Left and Green Party members about your views on various issues relevant to the election
1. Do you agree our anti-austerity and Ecosocialist policies have led to the growth of our party and its influence in England and Wales amongst millions of people?
I do agree on this, indeed the Green Party’s anti-austerity messaging was one of the reasons I joined the Green Party in 2014 because seeing how austerity was affecting my community, my family, workers, charities, I knew it had to stop, so I needed to see a clear anti-austerity party.

2. Do you believe that in marginal seats where a candidate of another party is standing who shares many of our core values including PR, we should stand down, as we did with Salma Yaqoob at a recent general election?
I believe such decision should be up to the Local Party and not for the Leadership to be involved in that decision unless their local party.

3. What do you understand by the term “Ecosocialist”? 'Would you see yourself as being an ecosocialist? and what does that mean to you?
For me, Ecosocialist is someone who supports people and planet through challenging big business and capitalism, making sure that we can live Free and Equal whilst also having a planet to live on.

4. Which one of the following 4 campaigns will be your top priority?
a. PR
b. Devolution and constitutional reforms
c. A People's Vote on the terms of the final trade deal with the EU.
d. De-growth
I think it’s disingenuous to suggest that only one of these would be a top priority for any Green especially a member of the Leadership team. I think that PR, Devolution, and a People’s Vote are all very important and timely campaigns that the Green Party should shouting about and bringing about change.

5. While national and specialist news media have deadlines and our party 'leadership' are still supposed to be 'speakers' rather than directors, how would you ensure that you make pronouncements that are a truly democratic way forward in times of democratic crisis such as parliamentary boundary changes reports?
Green Party Spokespeople, including our Leadership, have to quickly answer questions which our members may not have passed word-for-word policy on, and so they should respond by the basis and ethos of our policy in the relevant area, and our past messaging, to ensure a solid Green message. I am sure that our excellent Press Team will continue to offer the support they currently champion in this area.

6. How can succession of postholders for electoral office within GPEW be handled in such a way that there can be a 'level playing field' between candidates, rather than it being regarded that those who had most advanced notice of a vacancy having an unfair advantage?
It is my understanding that vacancies are announced to all members at the same time, and thus I don’t think this problem currently exists.

7. It is a mistake to put all our resources toward winning elections into the election period, if. we must first have a budget for campaign resources to boost our 'street cred’ and have more street stalls. Discuss.
Its important Greens are campaigning all the time, not just in Election Periods, and indeed that reflects the work of many local parties who are supporting their communities every single day. I don’t believe we put all of our resources into the Election Period.

8. What is your view of the Liberal Democrats politically?
Like many Greens, I felt betrayed by their actions in the Coalition Government, particularly over austerity, a lack of climate action, and backpedalling on their tuition fees promise, since the Tory Government, however, we’ve seen the Lib Dems come more in line with our values, and we’ve worked together on various different matters. I think it’s worth working with other parties on things we agree on, and that includes the Liberal Democrats on things like the EU, LGBTIQA+ rights, PR, etc.

9. What is your view of Spokespersons pooling their knowledge for greater insight into this Government's hidden agendas? (Eg, Consider the implications of this search link for closer collaboration between Health Spokesperson and Work and Pensions Spokesperson with Leaders/Principal Spokespersons as hubs
Spokespeople already work closely together and I don’t imagine that changing.

10. How to respond to demonising of, say, benefit claimants and anti-Zionists?
The recent demonising of people on benefits is despicable, we should be doing more to ensure those that need assistance can get it. We’ve seen significant failings by this Conservative Government in terms of deny people access to benefits, the whole system urgently needs fixing.

11. 'Do you believe every local party should be organising a public meeting promoting PR in the next few months'

12. 'What lessons can the Green Party take from the campaign in Sheffield?'
Sheffield is a really positive success story for the Greens, and I think a lot of that comes to the amount of publicity from the horrific tree felling scheme. By being extremely visible in the campaign against it, we saw more Green wins. This highlights why it’s important to be visible in supporting campaigns.

13. How can Green Party communications of their policies be made more relevant to the working class (White and Black Minority Ethnic)?
Our communications are relevant to the working class, we see mass engagement with our working class members, this should be celebrated and the hard work continued.

14. In the event that Brexit does go ahead, including the possibility of an immediate no-deal departure in March 2019, what are your plans for the party's focus post-leaving and how would you propose to reach out to the 52% who voted to leave?
52% of people did not vote to leave, we saw many people disenfranchised, most notably EU residents living in the UK, and 16/17 year-olds. A Green Plan would be to emphasise the importance of working with our neighbours as well as ensuring we keep as many environmental and human rights protections.

15. What is your view of ecosocialist perspectives which are more dominant in developing countries e.g. Latin America which are streets ahead in terms of renewable energy. Wind farms are seen to be the solution to dire poverty and whole communities are stabilized, giving respite from the never-ending 'war on drugs', drug economies and gang violence...?
This question is unclear, please contact me with more info!

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